Cashless Fundraising

Benefit Merriam When You Shop!

Do you shop at Donelan’s or Target? Have you seen the little “Boxtops for Education” or “Labels for Education” stamps on the products you buy, and wondered what they were for?
You can help us raise money or get free school supplies for Merriam while you do your regular shopping. It’s so easy to participate in our “cashless fundraisers,” so get started NOW to have the greatest impact!
Here’s how:

Labels for Education Program

It’s easy to pitch in. Visit for a complete list of participating products and begin saving your UPCs and/or beverage/sauce caps. Simply save the labels and send them into the Merriam school office with your child throughout the school year!

Donelan’s Register Tapes for Education
Collect your register tapes, and you can help Merriam turn them into valuable educational equipment — all for free! Send them in to the school office with your child, where a collection box awaits. You can send them in at any time — we’ll be collecting them throughout the year.

Target “Take Charge of Education” Program
Have a Target REDcard?
Enroll in Target’s Take Charge of Education Program, which donates up to 1% of your purchases directly to Merriam. Our yearly total continues to grow, so register your card today!

Box Tops For Education
These little stamps are everywhere, on all your favorite products, no matter where you grocery shop! Clip them out, and send them in to the school office with your child to add to our collection box. You can send them in at any time throughout the year. Twice a year, Merriam receives a check in return for the stamps — one year, we received almost $1,000! Please participate!

Questions? Contact Jennifer Whitney .

Thank you for your support!